




ホーム >  教員情報 >  外国語学部 >  英米語学科 >  ケビン・デミ

ケビン デミ(KEVIN Demme)
所属 常葉大学 外国語学部 英米語学科
職名 教授
学位 修士(Teaching Second Languages),修士 (Social Sciences)
専門分野 Teaching Second Languages, History of the English Language
主な担当科目 Oral Communication, Advanced English Program, Communicative Writing, Integrated English Skills
researchmap https://researchmap.jp/read0134263/(別ウィンドウで開きます)
メールアドレス kevin(@を挿入)sz.tokoha-u.ac.jp


I am interested in the history of the English language and the origins and stories behind English words and expressions. These stories help us better understand English and add color and depth to the language.


Recent Research:
  • Tokoha University Students’ Feedback About Their Oral Communication Classes: Comparing Three Generations of Students. Tokoha University Research Review: Faculty of Foreign Studies. Vol. 36. 2020.
  • Creator of the Enhancing Your English Podcast, a podcast geared towards intermediate-level, university-aged English language learners. May 2017-present.
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): So Far, More Evolution than Revolution. Tokoha University Research Review: Faculty of Foreign Studies. Vol. 32. 2016.
  • Tokoha University Students and Their Oral Communication Classes: A Second Look. Tokoha University Research Review: Faculty of Foreign Studies. Vol. 31. 2015.
  • Contributions:
  • Co-organizer of Tokoha`s annual Catherine Sasaki Memorial Speech Contest.
  • Judge for the annual Shizuoka Prefecture High School English Dialogue Speech Contest.
  • Instructor of Open Campus and AO Nyushi classes for high school students.
