



中野 渉

氏名 中野 渉(NAKANO Wataru)
所属 常葉大学 健康科学部 静岡理学療法学科
職名 准教授
学位 博士(保健医療科学)
専門分野 理学療法学(中枢神経)
主な担当科目 中枢神経障害理学療法学
researchmap https://researchmap.jp/wataru_nakano/(別ウィンドウで開きます)
メールアドレス w-nakano(@を挿入)sz.tokoha-u.ac.jp




  • Kato M, Okada Y, Nakano W, Takagi D, Ochi M, Ohyagi Y, Igase M, Tabara Y. Bioimpedance phase angle is independently associated with myosteatosis: The Shizuoka study.Clin Nutr. 2023.Mar 29;42(5):793-799.
  • Nakano W, Kobayashi S, Maezawa T, Kohno Y. Longitudinal changes in physical activity accumulation patterns during 1-year follow-up in stroke survivors. Disabil Rehabil. 2022.Nov 21;1-7.
  • Nakano W, Kobayashi S, Maezawa T, Ohashi Y, Kohno Y. Sex differences in physical activity in people after stroke: A cross-sectional study. Physical Therapy Research. 2021. 3:280-284.
  • Kimura T, Nakano W. Does a Cognitive Task Promote Implicit or Explicit Motor Learning? J Mot Behav. 2021.Jun 13;1-13.
  • Kimura T, Nakano W. Enhancement of prefrontal area excitability induced by a cognitive task: Impact on subsequence visuomotor task performance. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2021 May;181:107436.
  • Kimura T, Nakano W. Motor adaptation is promoted by an incongruent Stroop task, but not by a congruent Stroop task. Exp Brain Res. 2021. Apr;239(4):1295-1303.
  • Nakano W, Ohashi Y, Saito Y, Maezawa T, Kohno Y. Walking activity in community-dwelling stroke survivors within 1 month after discharge from a rehabilitation setting. Disabil Rehabil. 2020. Apr;42(8):1087-1092.
